Nothing doing, doing nothing.

Another day, and I’m once again — job hunting: slow-going, confusing, overwhelming and confidence-slashing.

This morning I started off with productive intentions. I searched news sites and Twitter feeds for articles pertinent to my fanciful job ideas. Then I treated myself to just a peek at Facebook where I saw a local Jcrewville mother posting about moving her blog to a new host site. I barely know her, even though we’re technically friends (and I mean that literally). So I got right to stalking.

After getting 404’ed multiple times, I did find her Twitter feed, which led me to contemplate following her, which led me to re-visiting my own profile, which led me to re-designing it, which led me to losing two hours of  job hunting in lieu of a slightly prettier profile background. And because I’m so research-inclined, I went back to her tweets, comparing them to my tweets (or lack thereof) in order to discern her social media prowess versus mine.

Wondering who won? Please, I don’t gossip.

Three hours later, I was no closer to drafting one (just one!) cover letter than I was yesterday.

But then yesterday, my daughter was puking, so I gave myself the day off to wipe puke off the walls, wash five hundred loads of laundry, and scrub doorknobs, remote controls, phones and faucet heads until my hands were raw. Somewhere around 4pm, I think I brushed my teeth (can’t confirm that 100%).

The whole time I kept asking myself, do I feel sick? Am I getting sick? So to ease my suspected illness, rattled nerves and enormous dose of self-pity, I ate everything white in the house: white bread, cold pasta, crackers, toasted bagels with cream cheese and vanilla ice cream.

Now today, I’m not only behind on things, I’m bloated. My black stirrup jeans (yes, you heard that right) are tighter than appropriate –if stirrup jeans were ever meant to be appropriate after 1985.

This afternoon I forced myself to go the library where computer time is limited to 60 minutes. It’s quiet here and there’s no fridge to taunt me with cold, simple carbohydrates.

I am finding the folks around me highly distracting, however. I think the guy next to me has a tick. He keeps gesturing at the screen every (and I’m counting here) 20- seconds as though jabbing an imaginary friend with a “what the hell?” Oh, and he’s scribbling non-sensical (and I’m glancing here) tally marks on a napkin in between gesturing and typing. He’s wasting my time, and after much effort to ignore him, I only have 10 minutes…

…and three hours to come up with today’s answer to my husband’s daily question (which he still does, despite my pretending I didn’t hear him): “Soooo, what did you do today?”

And that’s the sad truth here. Meanwhile, what did you do today?

13 thoughts on “Nothing doing, doing nothing.

  1. what did I do today? It’s too long for this comment space. It will be out in a novel soon.

    I love that you admitted you own a pair of stirrup pants. Bring them up to date and cut off the stirrup part…..instant leggings.

    Or send them to the Smithsonian…….

    spread the Humor:

    1. Guess what. I bought those jeans THIS year — at The Gap. I needed something vintage looking for a theme party, and there they were marked down from $70 to $15. I even got extra discounts for a) using my Gap card and b) complaining about a problem with the stitching. All told, I spent $8.00.

      And confession: I do like them. I can just slip my feet in boots, no tucking. And they’re pretty comfy (when I haven’t been on a white food binge).

  2. Today I drug my feet as long as I possibly could to put off writing my 2011 performance goals at work…then I cooked salmon patties for the second time this week because creativity is overrated in the kitchen…followed by an overdose of peanut butter chip + chocolate chip cookies…and I rolled change with Abby…then read ‘Violet the Pilot’ with her…then I watched an episode of ‘Modern Family’ on Hulu, and now I think I’ll crawl into bed and read an etiquette book about all the things I’ve been doing (and will most likely continue to do) wrong.

    But your post reminds me I’m due for a people-watching session at the library. And that ice cream would have been good with the cookies…and that I’m jealous about your jeans because my mom wouldn’t buy stirrup pants for me in 1985 when I really wanted them because Mary Lou Rhetten (sp?) made them look good.

  3. So….I have been doing a whole lot of nothing lately! Well, lets go with bare minnimum. This baby is due in a couple weeks and I have turned on the cruse control. The boys are playing too much Wii, the tub needds some serious attention and if I don’t dust the tv stand for another week , we can use it as a message board. The only thing I am doing is “nesting”. One of my very favorite things about being pregnant. I have cleaned out almost all the closets, washed couch and bed blankets, spring coats and carpets! Now I am in the middle of a “toy cleanse” and loving every second! All loose lego’s and puzzle pieces are going into the trash. How many matchbox cars do we really need? Why are we saving coloring books with scribbles on every page? No longer my friends…mamma is nesting and loving every sweet moment!

  4. You cleaned puke off the walls. I’m pretty sure that constitutes a whole WEEK off.

    Three hours ago I sat down to start writing a novel (yes, I did) and I’m still here, catching up with my favorite people.

    I should probably start going somewhere that doesn’t offer free internet.

  5. Love this post. Sounds like we’re spending our days doing much of the same things. Blast all this social networking! Crossing my fingers for your job search 🙂

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